Today’s growth in green energy solutions supports its predicted market value of $1,512.3 billion come 2025. Green energy sources use electricity by way of sunshine, wind, water, biomass, and geothermal materials.
Before investing in green energy, it’s good to know how energy’s used. At home, more than half of energy use comes from heating and air conditioning. Other energy output comes from light, electronics, washers and dryers, and cooking.
Renewable energy’s zero-emissions help reduce the carbon footprint. Whether you’ve considered going green or want to know about green energy sources, you’re in the right place.
Here’s what to know.
The Top Green Energy Solutions
The fossil fuels used for regular power have severe environmental impacts. Greenhouse gases, air pollution, and radioactive wastes pose hazards to the planet, animals, and humans.
The good news is that green energy companies offer alternative energy sources. Here are the top five green energy types combatting the carbon footprint today.
1. Geothermal Power
Geothermal power takes heat from underneath the earth. Talk about resourceful! The steam produced from below the surface converts into healing and cooling energy.
Right now, geothermal energy’s used for district heating, heat pumps, and greenhouses. While it’s a massive breakthrough for green energy solutions, it’s still a developing technology. If not used properly, geothermal power can emit similar dangerous gasses to that of conventional power.
2. Hydroelectricity
It’s easy to think of hydroelectricity when considering green energy examples. Here, energy comes from moving water. Energy builds at the tops of waterfalls and converts into kinetic energy before it falls.
That kinetic energy powers turbines. Hydroelectricity’s used in power plants and facilities.
3. Ocean Thermal Energy
Ocean thermal energy (OTE) is converted based on the temperature changes between the ocean’s surface and the deep ocean. The temperature difference needs to be 77°F to work.
The vapor powers the generator to create a sustainable green energy option.
4. Wind Power
Wind power’s one of the best green energy types because it works at home, too! On average, households use about 911 kilowatt-hours a month — that’s 10,932 kilowatt-hours a year.
If wind-powered turbines can reduce home energy use by two-thirds, imagine their collective impact. Green energy companies can help you know which size wind-turbine to use depending on your home energy output.
5. Solar
The solar industry alone’s worth beyond $52.5 billion. Solar power converts the sun’s energy into photovoltaic panels. They also work at home or as a solar farm for businesses or large land.
Home solar installation lowers utility costs, has tax incentives, and provides long-term green energy solutions for a more sustainable future.
Going Green
While environmental crises are daunting, there are different ways to generate a greener future. Tracking green energy companies’ latest developments helps if you want to get involved.
Coupling micro and macro green energy solutions are the best way to experience sustainable change. Consider going green to transform your relationship to everyday energy use.
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