Do you want to become a chiropractor? Are you wondering about the difference between medical school and chiropractic training? Or, are you just curious about what a chiropractor does and which education is required?
If any of these questions sound familiar, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll break down the education of chiropractors in easy to understand terms.
Keep reading for all the details!
What is Chiropractic Treatment?
Simply put, chiropractic care uses manual spinal manipulation, often referred to as “Chiropractic adjustment” to properly align the musculoskeletal system.
While, to the untrained eye, this might look like nothing more than a bunch of snapping and popping, this powerful alternative treatment has been used to reduce temporary and chronic pain, improve sleep, correct posture, and reduce inflammation.
Chiropractic care also includes exercises and relaxation techniques, dietary advice and care, and in some cases, other treatments including acupuncture, electrical stimulation, and massage therapy.
Are Chiropractors Medical Professionals?
Yes! But, potentially not in the sense that you’re thinking of.
Technically speaking, chiropractors are doctors. But, they carry different credentials; and in most cases cannot prescribe medications. This distinction, however, doesn’t take away from their professionalism!
In fact, you’ve probably already visited many doctors who carry a similar degree. For example, this type of doctoral certification also applies to many specialty medical fields, including dentistry, psychology, podiatry, and optometry.
Most practising chiropractors carry the academic degree of Doctor of Chiropractic (DC). On the other hand, medical doctors earn either the Doctor of Medicine degree (MD) or the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree (DO).
What Is Included in Chiropractic School?
Similarly to earning an MD or DO, the DC takes between seven and eight years to achieve, followed by a mandatory internship. And, just like regular doctors, chiropractors must pass state and national medical board exams. They are also subject to peer review and rigorous on the job training.
During their college education, chiropractors also spend time focusing on a wide variety of specialties. These can include occupational health, sports medicine, orthopedics, and other internal disorders. And, as this medical practice becomes more commonly accepted, new specialities are emerging.
Today, many chiropractors are also learning modern methods to help the body heal from serious injury. For example, herniated disc chiropractic treatment techniques are swiftly gaining in popularity. Rehab specialities are also in high demand, as the planet’s population continues to lead longer and more sentient lives.
Learn More About Chiropractic Training
Now that you know a bit more about chiropractic training and treating spinal conditions, it’s up to you to do the rest of the research. Chiropractic care is now more popular than ever before, so why wait? Take this opportunity to find out more.
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