A line sheet makes selling easy. You have heard people talking about a line sheet in the wholesale business, but what exactly it is. A line sheet is a simple document that contains all the necessary information about the product line of a brand. The buyer takes a look at the line sheet and decides whether or not to place an order. As a matter of fact, a line sheet is one of the vital selling tools that help your businesses grow.
Importance of a line sheet for a wholesale business:
You are in the wholesale business and want to sell your line to retailers. What would you do? Would you show them every product you want to sell? It is not possible to show your entire product line to potential buyers. You need a line sheet that contains all the information a buyer needs to place an order.
Historically, line sheets came for the fashion brands, but now every wholesale or product-based business uses line sheets to make selling easy.
A line sheet is something that helps businesses make a great first impression on potential buyers. Your line sheet is your first introduction to the buyer, so make sure that it is impressive enough to convince him to make purchases.
Line sheet vs. catalog:
Many people think that there is no difference between a line sheet and a catalog. But this is not the case. Both are different, and it is highly important for a brand to understand that difference.
A catalog is a document that contains information about the brand and the products the brand sells. You can use lifestyle imagery in the catalog. Also, you can use long paragraphs to tell your brand story. In simple words, you can say that a catalog contains information about why potential buyers should buy your products. It tells customers why it will be good for them to invest in your products.
But a line sheet is a document that contains information about the product line. It does not contain any lifestyle imagery or long paragraphs. You can add your brand bio in a line sheet using a few sentences. It includes information on the product, product line, shipping, and wholesale, etc. in simple words, a line sheet tells customers how they can buy your products.
Why should a line sheet be short?
A line sheet should contain the information required by a buyer to place an order. There is a place for irrelevant information in the document. Sometimes, a line sheet is called a single-page document, so you need to be as short and precise as possible.
Why should a line sheet be short? This is the question that may arise in your mind while creating your line sheet. Well, potential buyers are busy people. They receive many line sheets a day. And they do not have time to read long pages, so they prefer a line sheet that contains needed information only.
So, make a line sheet keeping the audience in mind. Your line sheet should be short but do not overlook the important details.
Create a line sheet using software:
Creating a line sheet from scratch can be an overwhelming task, especially when you are making it for the first time. You may get the help of a graphic designer, but it will be costly. You can make a line sheet using the software. They are specially designed for the purpose, so they guide you about what information you should include and whatnot.
Here is how you can make a sheet using wholesale line sheet software:
- Choose a template:
Creating a line sheet using a template is a bit easy. The first thing you need to do is to choose a template that suits your business. It is highly important to choose the right template, as different businesses have different needs. You should ask yourself do I need a line sheet for a single product or a collection. Which template would mesh with potential buyer’s aesthetics?
The layout of the line sheet matters a lot. It leaves a great first impression of your brand and makes your brand look more professional.
If you are making a line sheet using software for the first time, then it is suggested to choose simple layouts. You can switch to more complex designs later on.
- Customize your layout:
Once you have chosen the template for your line sheet, you need to make it look more personal. How can you do that? Simple, swap the font size and colors to mimic your branding. You should choose font size and color that looks great with the images you have added to the sheet.
Add information carefully. You should tell customers about payment and shipment and return policies in the line sheet. Do not omit important details as it can cost you sales.
- Review and edit:
You have included all the information a buyer needs to place an order. But review your line sheet and make necessary changes before sending it to potential customers. Cross-check the contact information you have provided. There might be typos in the line sheet, correct them. In short, check it carefully to make sure that all the information you have added in the line sheet is correct so that the buyers can place orders without any difficulty.
- Download and send it to buyers:
When you review and edit the line sheet, it gets ready to be sent to potential customers. All you have to do is to download it and send it to the buyers. Guess what the best part is? Some software allows you to email these line sheets to potential buyers directly. Well, that’s easy.
So, it is the right time to make a line sheet that has the potential to impress the buyers. You do not need to use long paragraphs to convince them. Just include quality images and precise information to impress the clients. Create a masterpiece to make selling easy and rock the wholesale world.