Adenoids are the small patch of tissues that are present above the tonsils in your nasal cavity. They are not visible through your mouth. Adenoids and tonsils are part of our immune system. They fight against infections by trapping the germs that enter through our mouth and nose.
They are important during the early years of life. But after 5 years of life, when other immune systems of the body become active, the function of these adenoids become less important. And till teenage, they often disappear. But sometimes they also get infected during adult age.
What do enlarged adenoids results in?
They cause a problem when they become enlarged due to infection with those they are fighting with. Due to their enlarged size, they cause trouble in children.
Swollen or infected adenoids can make it tough to breathe and cause these problems:
- a very stuffy nose (child breathe only through his/her mouth)
- trouble sleeping
- swollen glands in the neck
- ear problems
They become enlarge while fighting with the infections. Usually, they regain their original size after getting rid of the infection. But if they remain enlarged, they cause a problem. Sometimes adenoids become enlarge due to allergy or by birth they are enlarged.
Signs and Symptoms of Enlarged Adenoids:
Enlarged adenoids can cause several symptoms, including:
- blocked, stuffy nose
- snoring
- sore throat
- difficulty swallowing
- swollen glands in the neck
- problems breathing through the nose
- “glue ear,” or otitis media with effusion (fluid buildup in the middle ear, which can cause hearing problems)
- Trouble in breathing during sleep
If your child feels any above-mentioned symptoms, chances are high for him/her of having large adenoids.
Firstly, the doctor asks about the symptoms of your child. Then he examines his throat physically or by putting a small endoscope through the nose to check the condition of adenoids. X-rays of the throat can also be performed.
Blood tests are conducted to determine the type of infection. So that treatment can be given according to it.
The treatment plan is suggested by your ENT specialist according to the condition of adenoids. If adenoids are not infected, the doctor will not recommend surgical removal of them.
Medications like antibiotics are given to fight with infection and nasal steroids are given to shrink the enlarged adenoids.
But it’s a common practice to remove the adenoids when they repeatedly causing the problem for the patient. The procedure is not very complex and serious and known as adenoidectomy.
This surgery takes place under general anesthesia. It takes almost 2 to complete. Doctors prescribe antibiotics to decrease the chance of infections. And the patient is advised to take chilled juices, ice cream, etc. for the first seven days.
Sometimes tonsillectomy is also performed with adenoidectomy if the doctor finds an infection in both. Adenoids sometimes grow back again but in rare cases.
Usually, doctors advise removing the adenoids if they are causing constant problems. But if both adenoids and tonsils are removed, there are chances of getting more respiratory infections in later ages. As both are involved in the immune system of our body.
Children usually have enlarged adenoids. It is important to get your child examined as soon as possible if you notice that they have any of the symptoms of enlarged adenoids. Enlarged adenoids are a treatable condition, and some cases can be treated with a simple antibiotic.
You can consult the best ENT specialists in Lahore through Marham for discussing this type of issue.
And for online consultation just visit the Marham website or download the Marham mobile app to find the best doctors in Pakistan who are giving their services online in this pandemic.