Hesitant about getting that dysport injection your friends have all benefited from? Forewarned is forearmed and here we look at just what to expect with yours.
As great as serums, moisturizers, cleansers and other anti-ageing products are at fending off the inevitable, there’s a particular point at which products available over the counter, just don’t suffice in terms of results achieved. Retinol and hyaluronic acid have their limitations and this is when other options – like a dysport injection – come into play.
If you’re new to the product, we now take a close-up look at dysport, what it does and how it works, so you’ll better understand whether it’s a choice suitable for your own requirements.
So, What Exactly IS Dysport?
Dysport, just like botox, is FDA-approved and works as a neuromodulator to temporarily hold back the forming of wrinkles in the skin. It does this by lowering the overall activity of the facial muscles in question, stopping your everyday facial expressions from causing the skin to fold over on itself.
It’s ideally used for something called Glabellar lines (a.k.a. ‘11’ lines) that form between the eyebrows, but it’s also not uncommon to see it being used on the forehead and neck.
The Benefits Offered by Dysport
So, we’ve determined that dysport is widely used to eliminate wrinkles, but is that all it does? Actually, whilst this is its main purpose, it does come with a number of additional benefits.
- It offers natural-looking results, pretty much straight away
- It’s able to stop new wrinkles forming by freezing your muscles temporarily
- Can also be used by people who suffer with excess sweating conditions
- Results achieved can stay in place for as much as 5 months!
- Can be used on the masseter muscles to ‘slim’ the face
How Best to Get Ready For Your Dysport Injection?
While you may get differing advice about how to prepare for your dysport treatment, there are some handy tips that we’ve picked up here and there.
First of all, you should discontinue any bruising-associated medication like blood thinners, aspirin or fish oil and if you bring along a picture of yourself from between 5-10 years ago, it can help the practitioner get the best results for you.
It’s also advisable not to drink alcohol for up to 48 hours before you get your dysport injection, as this can increase the likelihood of you getting bruises after your treatment.
Is It Painful?
Typically, there can be a little discomfort involved, however, when numbing cream is applied prior to the injections, it’s pretty much painless. The whole thing usually only takes around 20 minutes, meaning that people can get treated during their lunch hour and be back to work that same afternoon.
As we mentioned, if you drink alcohol within the advised period, bruising is possible and in some cases, you might get a little pain at the injection site later, perhaps a little swelling and sometimes headaches, however, this is invariably very temporary and will settle down within a couple of days.
A Great Option For Immediate Results!
Of course, you could just persist with your daily skin care routine and hope for the best, but with a dysport injection, you get immediate results through what is a quite painless and effective treatment.
What’s more, it only usually costs around $300-400, so anyone can take advantage. What’s not to love?