Those who are not used to working in a non-conventional way, which is from home and not from the office, the coronavirus days must be a challenge. While the news of organizations in the United States extending their work from home schedules for employees might be good news for the working staff, it still has brought some concerns to the table. Apart from not having to experience the soul-crushing commute, more troubles have come with the remote working experience. From working under dim lights to not being able to have a proper working chair to sit – which employees have in their luxurious offices – remote working is tough on many levels. But the most challenging aspect of this new normal is the compromise you have to do with your slow internet service.
The internet has always been a crucial need in modern times. However, with the whole coronavirus debacle, the importance of the internet has grown more than ever. This is because the coronavirus spread in the United States has led to significant restrictions in many states. The coronavirus restrictions involve not being able to step outside of your home unless there is some serious emergency. Also, you cannot take your kids outside to the park or have a fun time with your friends in a public gathering. Not to forget the travel bans and closures of gyms, cinemas, and all kinds of social places.
All of the above has made people rely on one source only for information, entertainment, and continuing life without losing sanity to the pandemic. The internet not only helps employees in getting their work done but is also crucial for people to consume all kinds of content to keep them connected to the world.
This increased usage of the internet has caused problems for the employees working from their homes. Not only are the employees facing trouble with slow internet speed but the connectivity problems just frustrate the human out of them.
While the easiest way to fix all the internet related problems is to book your appointment with Spectrum internet today. Spectrum is known for providing amazing cable TV and internet service via its Spectrum Silver packages affordable internet plans, respectively. However, if you think you would need time to change your slow internet service with an affordable and high-speed service provider then we have listed some quick fixes to help you:
Repositioning Router
Let us hear an internet fact. The Wi-Fi signals are stronger horizontally from your router. This means that if you try to move your router while it is still connected to the modem to a more centralized location in your house then you might receive better signals on your devices.
If you think that the centralized location in your home is occupied and it will be more work to shift the router places to place then what you can do is place your router as high as you can.
People who tend to hide their router behind a cabinet or other large physical objects experience connectivity issues more on devices.
Use Ethernet Cable
Of course, wireless technology has introduced great advancement in the internet service industry, however; it was unable to solve the connectivity issues once and for all. When you are working from home for your office then having slow internet can cause some major problems. You can emit unprofessional vibes to your managers and other team members, which is not something you would want.
Therefore, it is time for you to use an Ethernet cable for your home office. The Ethernet cable improves connection problems, makes the devices connect to the internet more easily, and improves download speed. Also when you connect your office laptop with an Ethernet cable you no longer use Wi-Fi signals which gives free space to other devices like your children’s iPad or your wife’s smartphone.
Buy a New Router
Last but not the least, if nothing above is working for you then it is time to replace your router. Sometimes the problem is not generally concerning the internet service provider or the Wi-Fi speed, rather it is about you having an old and done and dusted router.
The only way to fix your router problems is by having a new router. While a Wi-Fi extender can also help in this matter, it would still require high-speed internet service to function properly.
Therefore, the easiest way is to check your router and if it is old and not working correctly then by replacing it you can solve major internet and connectivity issues.