Allow yourself to loosen up. It’s just a test right! Isn’t it easier said than done? If you’re getting ready to take an English language proficiency exam, you’re probably a little nervous on your part. The IELTS exam is difficult and can have a significant impact on your future. We truly understand the fact that you all want to achieve a remarkable band in IELTS. However, fluency in speaking in the IELTS exam plays a vital role and it can become a beneficial factor if you attain command in fluency. To help you achieve that we have compiled up a list of few effective tips that can provide you great assistance.
Before jumping on to the tips let’s understand What role does fluency plays in the IELTS Speaking test?
The importance of fluency is just not limited to the IELTS test, in fact, you can utilize it every time in your life. The four main areas of speaking are covered by the IELTS Speaking assessment criteria. Fluency and coherence are the first two. ‘Fluency and coherence assess how well you can speak at a normal speed without too much hesitation,’ according to the descriptor. It also entails arranging your sentences and ideas in a logical order and employing appropriate cohesive devices so that what you say is understandable.’ Naturally, how fluent you must be is determined by your target band score.
If you need a 6.0, the descriptors say you’re “willing to speak at length, though coherence may be lost at times due to occasional repetition, self-correction, or hesitancy.” If you need a 7.0, however, you must be able to ‘speak at length without noticeable effort or loss of coherence.’ You’ll need to show some details from band descriptor 6.0 and some details from band descriptor 7.0 if you want a 6.5. For gaining further information you can consider taking assistance from the best IELTS classes in Jalandhar.
Tips for enhancing the fluency
- Utilize time-buying strategies: There are a few useful phrases you can use to give yourself some thinking time if you need some time to think about what you’re going to say. You can say things like “let’s see, that’s a tough question” or “I’ve never really thought about that, but” When you use these in your speaking practice, they will start to come more naturally to you in conversations. For more information on how to buy time and keep talking, you can consider taking advice from the best IELTS Institute in Ludhiana.
- Balanced Vocabulary: This is perhaps the most significant thing to consider for many people: they frequently pause because they are unable to find the appropriate word to express their thoughts. You will lose points for fluency if you pause like this. The problem is that if you use “incorrect” words or over-repeat words, you risk losing vocabulary points. The trick is to strike a balance between speaking (for better fluency) and varying your words (vocabulary).
- Keep yourself calm: It will be more difficult to keep your fluency and maintain coherence if you are anxious or uncomfortable. Having to use a wide range of vocabulary and grammatical structures correctly and with the intended meaning can be overwhelming. However, you must maintain mental control. “I can do this,” tell yourself. Remember that the examiner is there to assist you, and it is her job to make you feel at ease. The test format is also designed to foster (encourage) this, as you’ll be asked some basic questions about topics like family and home first. If you want more assistance then link with the best IELTS classes in Jalandhar.
- Make a blunder, then move on: One option is to simply make the error and continue speaking. What is the reason for this? For starters, there’s a chance the examiner won’t notice the error. We can tell you from experience that many mistakes that are obvious in writing go unnoticed in speech, even by experienced examiners. Second, speaking allows you to make more mistakes than writing. When you speak, some mistakes will be dismissed as “slips.” This is especially true if you make a grammatical error once and then correct it the next time.
- Always structure what you say, use simple linkers to connect ideas: This is a related concept. You keep your speech simple and learn how to connect items with the most common linkers. Making a complex argument with more difficult links could be a mistake. Each time you do so, you’ll need more time to consider the grammar and logical connections, which is detrimental to fluency. Kickstart your speaking fluency with the help of the best IELTS Institute in Ludhiana.
- Don’t be afraid to say things over and over again at a limit: Your fluency score will suffer if you repeat yourself too much, but that doesn’t mean you can’t repeat yourself at all. When we speak fluently in our native tongue, we do tend to repeat ourselves. This is one area where writing and speaking differ. If you learn how to make this work for you, it will undoubtedly benefit your English speaking.
Wrapping up
For attaining good bands in the IELTS exam, carefully read the above-mentioned points. Transform your career by following every instructed technique in such a manner that it will help you bring out possible results.