Trying to maintain a picture-perfect home with even one other person who doesn’t share your passion for orderliness can be difficult. When you’re up against your whole family, it can feel truly impossible. However, there are ways that you can keep your home looking and feeling fantastic, even if it’s constantly in use by people of different ages. Here’s how to stay on top of the mess even if you have a big family.
Set the Example You Want Your Kids to Follow
If you have small children, you can set an example to them from a young age that cleaning and tidying are nothing to be resistant to. For some reason, many kids grow up seeing housework as boring or as a punishment, but if you introduce it as a fun part of your daily routine, then your kids will see it that way too. Avoid complaining about housework in front of them as this might hint that it’s something they don’t want to try. Age-appropriate toys shaped like vacuum cleaners or brooms can be an engaging way to reduce potential resistance as well.
Create a Realistic Routine
In large families, trying to stick to a rigid routine for cleaning and tidying is most likely too much to ask. You can, however, dial back your expectations and set a more realistic routine that accommodates your family’s unique needs. Some people claim that they keep their homes tidy by simply taking twenty minutes each day to do a chore. If you don’t have those twenty minutes to spare, work with what you’ve got, and don’t worry about matching up to anyone else.
Provide Places for Everything to Go
Other people in your family might be less inclined to take part in tidying up, but they might not be deliberately messy. Try to make it easier for members of your household to put items back where they belong after use. Some might have more trouble with this than others. If you are struggling to find ways of discouraging your teen’s untidiness, try some of these top teenage bedroom storage ideas. Assign everything a home so that it can easily be returned there if it’s found lying around in the wrong place. Make sure everyone knows where their belongings are supposed to go when not in use.
Delegate the Housework
Don’t take on every household chore by yourself. Recruit your kids and anyone else who lives with you to take part in the housework with you. Give each person a zone to tackle or offer them a particular task such as sweeping, dusting, mopping, or vacuuming. Put on some lively music and turn it into a fun experience.
Allow Some Exceptions
Maintaining a clean and tidy home is a reasonable goal, but trying to be immaculate with a household full of people is unrealistic and potentially unhealthy. Make room for occasional messes and delays in the cleaning routine. A little chaos from time to time can help you to appreciate the order.