It is safe to say that the majority of the population has been riddled with anxiety for the best part of 2 and a half years. And while the pandemic warning news has seemingly taken a back bench, we have climate change, wars, and cost of living crises to contend with instead.
It is safe to say that this does not make for a peaceful mind, but you do not have to just live with it, and there are some steps you can take to help you manage these uncomfortable and intrusive feelings.
This piece is going to take a look at some of the different ways in which you can manage your anxiety, to help you face the day a little more easily.
What is Anxiety, and Why Do We Get it?
Anxiety is best known as the spawn of a demon, but for a more technical term, it is a feeling of general unease that is intense and often persistent, focused around a fear of everyday living.
Anxiety is a biological function to help us understand when we might be in danger, which of course, was probably useful when we had to hunt for our own food or had to fight off predators. However, our fight or flight response can be somewhat sensitive, causing it to be disordered and warn us of perceived dangers that either do not exist or cannot be controlled. While anxiety or that uneasy feeling in our stomach can sometimes save our lives, it can also be a red herring that can make life very unpleasant to live with.
Medication and Supplements
Medication and supplements can help play a big role in getting anxiety under control, though it is important to note that not one size fits all. Beta-blockers and Benzodiazepines are a common treatments for those who suffer from anxiety or panic attacks – however, there are certain side effects to consider. Benzodiazepines are addictive, and beta blockers focus on slowing your heart rate down, which focuses more on the physical aspects of anxiety rather than the mental. Supplements such as CBD oil UK and lavender, chamomile, and lemon balm have shown some promise that they could help with anxiety and stress and can also come with fewer side effects than traditional medication, depending on what medication you are already on. Always speak to a doctor before trying a supplement, especially if you are on medication.
Get Hold of Something Cold
Often for, people who feel anxious, they may find their heart rate increasing, which often makes the experience of anxiety much worse. A top tip for those who feel rising anxiety or are having a panic attack is to reach for something cold. This could be an ice cube, putting a bag of peas on your chest, or simply running your wrists under cold water. The difference in temperature can help bring the heart rate down and triggers certain hormone releases, which can then help you feel calmer, not to mention the distraction of having something very cold on you!