Can you smoke weed to lose weight? Research shows that avid marijuana users tend to have lower fasting insulin levels. As a result, their waist sizes are smaller and they have healthier BMI scores!
Of course, weight loss isn’t the #1 goal though when it comes to smoking marijuana. Instead, a lot of people smoke because they enjoy the relaxing high marijuana can deliver.
If you’re new to the world of marijuana, welcome. In this article, we’ll review the basics of how to pack a bowl, along with a few tips and tricks on how to get the best smoking experience. Read on to learn the best way to pack a bowl.
How to Choose Between a Bowl and a Pipe
First, you’ll need to decide what smoking method you prefer. Do you want to pack a bowl that goes to a bong? Or would you prefer smoking directly out of a pipe?
Benefits of Using a Bong
One of the great things about using a bong is the ability to make each hit less harsh. As a new smoker, the smoother you can make the marijuana smoke, the better your experience will be. Bongs, or water pipes, filter the smoke, and cool it down, thus creating a silky smooth hit.
Benefits of Using a Pipe
There’s something classic about holding a pipe in your hand, as you enjoy your marijuana. While a pipe won’t be able to filter or cool the smoke like a bong will, they are easier to keep clean.
By keeping your smoking gear squeaky clean, you’ll be able to enjoy the delicious flavor your marijuana has. Finally, glass pipes are also the top choice if you want your bud to taste delicious.
Break It up With a Grinder
Before you begin breaking your bud up by hand, think again. Grinders will make your marijuana more potent because the plant matter won’t be sticking to your fingers. Grinding up your herb is also a good idea because it’ll allow you to pack tighter bowls.
The densely packed bowl will have a reduced airflow, which means you control how slowly or quickly the marijuana burns.
Choose the Right Type of Grinder
Next, you’ll need to decide what type of grinder you want to use. There are metal grinders, plastic grinders, and even acrylic grinders. We suggest that you stick to using metal grinders since metal tends to be the most durable and effective material.
Another decision you’ll have to make is whether or not you want a 2-piece, 3-piece, or 4-piece grinder. A 2-piece grinder is a basic model, it includes a lid and a grinding compartment. A 3-piece grinder is extra special, because, in addition to the lid and grinding compartment, it has a third area to catch the finely ground weed.
Finally, a 4-piece grinder will give the advantage of being able to capture the marijuana pollen or kief. When you collect enough kief you can top your bowls off with it for an extra intense high.
How to Pack a Bowl With a Bong
Now that you have your weed all ground up, get into the specifics of how to pack a bowl. Are you using a removable bowl from a bong? If yes, you’ll want to keep the bowl in place on the bong while you’re packing it.
Trying to remove the bowl and pack it elsewhere could cause it to tip over and break, or you might spill your weed! As the bowl sits in place on the bong, add the ground up weed until the bowls halfway full. If you’re smoking with friends, go ahead and fill the bowl up to the top.
Next, using the end of the lighter, gently push down on the herb. You may need to add more marijuana after condensing the bowl with the lighter. Try to avoid touching the herb with your finger since it could easily stick to your skin causing the weed to lose some of its potency.
How to Pack a Pipe
Start by laying your pipe on a flat surface, like a tabletop. If possible, it’s a good idea to pack your pipe in a room that has carpeting, just in case you drop it.
Next, you’ll add the ground up marijuana. We find that packing the pipe halfway works best if you’re smoking alone, especially since you’re new to smoking.
However, if you’re going to be passing the pipe around a circle of friends, go ahead and fill it up all the way. Once you have your desired amount of weed in the bowl, push it down with the end of the lighter. By pushing the weed down you’ll be restricting the airflow, which means the weed can burn slower or faster, depending on how you hit it.
How to Smoke From a Bowl
Finally, you’re ready to learn how to smoke a bowl. Whether you’re wondering how to smoke out of a pipe or a bong, the principles are the same.
First, briefly hold the lighter over the packed bowl. You’ll want to avoid letting the flame stay above the bud for too long.
If the flame lingers for too long you can burn your marijuana too quickly, thus wasting precious weed. Instead, slowly begin inhaling as you hold the lighter over the bowl.
Focus on trying to get the lighter to only touch a portion of the weed – marijuana enthusiasts call this cornering the bowl. By cornering the bowl you’ll be able to enjoy more green hits!
Light up and Prepare for Take-Off
Congratulations! You’re no longer a marijuana newbie. Now you know the ins and outs of how to pack a bowl.
Whether your smoking out of a bong or a pipe, you won’t have to worry about wasting any of your bud. We hope our article was able to teach you at least one new thing to help enhance your smoking experience.
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