Kratom is a very unique herb, as different doses have very different effects. This is because the active alkaloids of the Kratom plant act as both stimulants and sedatives. Kratom has different effects depending on the amount of intake and the person who takes it. Therefore, it’s a good idea to start with a small amount until you know how your body reacts.
Stimulant Level (low dose)
At this level, Kratom helps you feel more careful with more physical energy, and for some people with more sexual energy. Most people become more talkative, sociable, and friendly, and many find it easy to do hard and boring physical activity. Many will enjoy these Kratom Capsules, but others will find them unpleasant and edgy.
Sedative Level (high dose)
At this level, they are usually less sensitive to emotional and physical pain. It looks and calms down, makes you feel comfortable overall, and can even be like a transformer. Some people may experience sweating, itching, and possibly nausea. However, if you lie down and relax, your nausea will soon subside.
Many in this state find it fun to lie down in a dark room and listen to music, and many are even in the “dream of awakening” epidemic of the 19th century. These effects usually last about 6 hours, and the higher the dose, the stronger the effect.
The following recommended doses apply to Kratom leaves, not extracts. These are only rough guidelines, as the sensitivity to Kratom varies from person to person and the potency varies greatly from batch to batch, and new batches of Kratom should always be started at low doses.
Some people find that they are very sensitive to Kratom and that even small amounts can cause adverse effects such as long-term vomiting. If this happens, discontinue use and find alternative herbs.
Start using Kratom with a small amount of 2-6g. This should have a mild and stimulating effect.
7-15g can produce a moderate stimulant-like or sedative effect, depending on the person and their level of tolerance.
16-25g produces a powerful sedative-like effect, too much for those who are very sensitive to Kratom.
26-50g is too much for most people and produces a very powerful sedative-like effect.
Is there a risk?
If you take Maeng da kratom alone and do not mix it with other medicines or herbs, the greatest risk is falling asleep. For this reason, do not drive or operate the machine after using Kratom. Even if you are stimulated, you may get sleepy immediately.
Is Kratom addictive?
There are some reports that people have become dependent on Kratom after years of daily use, but if used responsibly, it is not addictive. If used occasionally rather than daily, there is little risk of dependence. However, with almost all medicines, including coffee, alcohol, and tobacco, daily use for long periods of time can make it a fragile habit.
Kratom is recommended not to be mixed with stimulant-type substances or drugs such as Coffee, amphetamines, yohimbine, and illicit drugs due to the risk of excessive irritation and elevated blood pressure.
It is also advisable not to take Kratom with large amounts of alcohol, benzodiazepines, opiates, or other types of drugs that affect the nervous system. This is because the combination of these can cause excessive sedation and dyspnea.
Also, do not combine Kratom with any type of MAO inhibitor. Mixing these with monoamine drugs can cause serious and fatal reactions, and Kratom contains monoamine alkaloids.
There are several combinations that users claim to be comfortable and safe. Kratom can be combined with regular black tea, and many mixes it with tea made from red poppy flowers or blue lotus.
It is also safely combined with a small amount of alcohol. However, kratoms and large amounts of alcohol should be avoided.
Many people enjoy smoking cigarettes and herbs under the influence of Kratom, but when doing this, care must be taken not to fall asleep and drop lit objects.
Is Kratom legal?
Kratom is currently legal in most countries, including Europe and the United States, but is currently illegal in Malaysia, Burma, Australia, and Thailand, and severe penalties are imposed in those countries for possession of herbs. Laws change frequently, so double-check that they are legal in your area before using Kratom.