In recent years, one survey after another has indicated that the majority of people don’t have enough money set aside in their savings accounts to cover emergency bills. This can present a big problem for them when they’re hit with a bill that they weren’t expecting.
If you fall into this category and ever find yourself in a position where you need to get your hands on cash fast, you should learn about how to get a payday loan. As long as you meet some basic payday loan qualifications, you can obtain the money that you need to cover any unexpected costs that might arise.
So, what is a payday loan? Well, it’s a short-term loan that you can use for almost any purpose, provided you meet the payday loan requirements.
And who can qualify for payday loans? As it turns out, just about anyone. You just need to make sure all your ducks are in a row before putting in an application for one to get approved for it.
Find out how to get a payday loan below.
Start by Finding the Right Payday Loan Lender
Since so many people are short on cash these days, it shouldn’t come as a huge surprise to hear that payday loan lenders have started to pop up all over the place. There are so many lenders that can provide you with payday loans in this day and age.
This will make it very easy for you to track down payday loan lenders online. But it doesn’t mean that you should simply pick the first one you can find after Googling something like “payday loan lenders near me.”
You should do some digging around to locate the right payday loan lender for the job. They should have a wealth of experience in the payday loan industry and be capable of setting you up with a payday loan that you won’t have any problem paying back in a short period of time.
Look for payday loan lenders that come highly recommended by others who have been in your position. It’ll ensure that you have a great overall experience with a lender while working with them.
Figure Out How Much Money You Need to Borrow
Once you’ve found the right lender to provide you with a payday loan, the next thing you’ll want to do is decide how much money you want to try and borrow from them. This is going to be one of the first things that a lender will ask you when you apply for a payday loan.
When it comes to payday loans, you should try to borrow the exact amount of money that you’re going to need. If you’re planning on using a payday loan to pay for, say, a $350 car repair bill, then you should plan to borrow $350 and not a penny more.
Some people get tempted to borrow a little bit of extra money to give themselves a cushion. But generally speaking, you should only borrow what you need so that you’re able to pay your loan back on time.
Decide How Many Repayments You Would Like to Make
When you take out a payday loan, the expectation is usually going to be that you’ll repay the loan when you receive your next paycheck. But this doesn’t always have to be the case.
If you need to borrow more than what you’re going to get the next time you receive a paycheck, you may be able to stretch your repayment period out and make two or even three repayments to satisfy your payday loan. Most lenders will give you this option and ask you how many repayments you would like to make to them.
Crunch the numbers on your end to see how much money you can comfortably repay to your payday loan lender. It’ll prevent you from overexerting yourself while repaying your payday loan.
Let Your Lender Know Where You Live
It’s worth noting that most payday loan lenders will only give out loans to those who live in certain areas. Some states and provinces in the U.S. and Canada don’t allow people to take out payday loans under any circumstances.
With this in mind, you’re going to need to check to make sure that you’ll be allowed to take out a payday loan in the first place. A lender will typically ask you to provide your location so that they can let you know whether or not a payday loan is even going to be a possibility for you.
Living in the right location is going to be one of the most basic payday loan qualifications. You need to know this going in when you’re in the process of applying for a payday loan.
Provide Your Lender With Some Information About Yourself and Your Income
The good news as far as applying for a payday loan is that you’re not going to have to provide too much information about yourself. Applying for a payday loan isn’t as intense as applying for a mortgage or another type of large loan.
But with that being said, there is some information that a payday loan lender is going to ask you to provide before extending a loan offer to you. They want to make sure that you’re going to be able to repay your loan in the near future.
We already talked about how a lender is going to ask you to reveal your location. In most cases, they’re also going to ask you for:
- Your name
- Your address
- Your employment status
- Your income
Some lenders will also inquire about your marital status since that could play a role in your ability to satisfy the terms of your loan. Fortunately, they won’t dig too much deeper than that.
But you should be prepared to meet certain payday loan requirements before you can get access to the money that you need. It’s important for you to send a lender whatever they ask you for quickly so that they can render a decision regarding your loan sooner rather than later.
See If You Meet a Lender’s Payday Loan Qualifications
Filling out an application for a payday loan isn’t something that’s going to take you all day. In fact, most people are able to apply for payday loans within just a few minutes.
They’re not always able to get approved for payday loans right away, though. Oftentimes, payday loan lenders will take all of the information that you send to them and sift through it to figure out if they should give you the loan you need. This can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days depending on your specific situation.
While you wait for a payday loan lender to get back to you, you should hang tight and avoid doing anything that could compromise your ability to get approved for a loan. You should steer clear of making any major purchases, work hard to keep your job, and continue to come up with a surefire plan for paying your payday loan off should you be lucky enough to get approved for it.
Get Cash Sent Straight to Your Bank Account
In a perfect world, a payday loan lender will check out the application that you sent to them and approve it almost on the spot. They’ll then reach out to you to find out where you want them to send the money that you need.
More often than not, payday loan lenders will be able to wire you the money that you requested to your bank account so that you can get it right away. It’ll provide you with the cash that you need to pay off whatever bill that you’re going to be using it for.
From there, it’ll be on you to work with your lender to repay your payday loan. They’ll let you know how you should go about doing this and provide you with the date or dates that you’ll need to send payments to them.
All you’ll need to do is plan to make the necessary payments on the dates that they provide for you. It’ll help you repay your payday loan and avoid the consequences that could come along with you not repaying it.
As long as everything goes according to plan, both you and your payday loan lender will walk away from your transaction happy in the end.
Is a Payday Loan the Best Option for You?
There are lots of different types of loans that you can take out when you’re in need of cash. A payday loan has turned into a popular option over the years because of how easy it is to apply for one.
If you feel as though a payday loan might be a good fit for you, you should work to make sure you’ll be able to meet the payday loan qualifications. It’ll get you money fast and allow you to use it for whatever you need to use it for within a matter of just days.
Check out the other articles on our blog for more information on payday loans.