The RRB NTPC exams will soon commence in December. As per the latest update of the railway recruitment board, the exam will start from 15th of December and continue until the last. But before that, the RRB NTPC Admit Card will be released on the official portal of RRB. So, the aspirants who are up for the RRB NTPC admit card can check it in the official RRB portal.
Further, RRB will also announce the RRB NTPC exam date, exam city, and the exact timings. So, if you are an RRB aspirant, you must stay tuned to RRB NTPC website.
Overview on RRB NTPC
The railway recruitment board conducts NTPC exams to filter candidates for several vacancies under the railway’s non-technical posts. Every year several candidates appear for the exams in various centers. The exam takes place in various stages. This includes computer-based tests 1, 2, skill tests, and document verification.
Stages of RRB NTPC 2020
The CBT-1 is a computer-based test that offers you objective type questions. On qualifying for the CBT-1 exam only, you can move on to the second stage of the exam. And that is CBT-2. So, you have to ensure you grasp good marks in your CBT-1 exams.
The computer-based test 2 is another online test that also offers you objective type questions. This is a hurdle that you need to cross for appearing in the skill test. So, if you are an RRB NTPC aspirant, you need to secure good marks in both the CBTs.
Skill test/CBAT
After the CBT-1 and 2 comes the skill test. It is a test that tests your skill in computer proficiency. This is the last and essential stage in terms of examinations that you need to qualify. This is because you would be able to move on to the document verifications on qualifying this stage.
Document confirmation
This is the ultimate and concluding stage of RRB NTPC exams. Once you qualify all the three stages, the railway recruitment board calls you up for document verifications. It includes verifications of educational, medical, and citizenship documents.
Receiving the RRB NTPC admit cards
If you are an RRB NTPC aspirant, you need to obtain the download admit card to appear on the test. This hall ticket offers you data about RRB NTPC exam center, time, enrollment number, and your details. So, here are the actions to download the admit card online.
Procedure for achieving the admit card
- To obtain the RRB NTPC admit card, the initial step you need to follow is to tour RRB’s official website.
- On visiting the page, you will find separate links for every region. So, you have to click on the region that you belong to.
- After clicking on the regional links, you would be redirected to a page to spot another link called RRB NTPC call letter.
- Now submit your registration and DOB.
- Click on the submit option to access the RRB NTPC admit card.
- Once the admit card appears on the screen, you can easily click on the download option and take a print out.
Wrapping, these were the latest notifications about RRB NTPC admit card. If you are an RRB NTPC aspirant, you must follow the above step to obtain your admit card easily.