Are you sick of online scammers trying to get your information? It’s time to beat them at their own game.
Americans of all ages that fall victim to online scammers lose several thousand dollars on average. It’s an epidemic that is difficult to stop because of the expansive nature of the internet.
The key to beating phishing, spamming, and all the rest is learning as much as you can about it all so that you know what to look for. In this post, we’re going to examine spam vs phishing and help you recognize the signs of each. Keep reading because the more you know, the easier it’ll be to avoid getting scammed.
What Is Spam?
Spam is one of the oldest tricks in the book for internet scammers. If you’ve ever gotten junk mail in your inbox, then you’ve been sent spam.
Sometimes it’s a way for businesses to attempt to appeal to consumers that have shown no interest in their products or services. Other times, it’s more sinister.
The way it works is that spammers will obtain huge email address lists, then send mass emails to everyone at once. Often, these come in the form of coupons, donation requests, newsletters, or adult content.
Spam Guide
Unfortunately, spam is a part of life for most people. The good news, however, is that it’s relatively benign if you know what to look for. Businesses actually try to use spam to their advantage because it’s so much cheaper to send mass emails like this than to formulate an email marketing campaign.
If you’re noticing a lot of spam coming from one source, you can block the email address and stop it in its tracks. They’re more of a nuisance than anything that could harm you or your computer, but keep researching to discover more about how to prevent spam.
What Is Phishing?
Phishing is similar to spam in its methodology, but it’s more sinister in its end game. Almost always, the expressed purpose of phishing is to trick an individual or business into giving out personal information, like bank passwords, credit card numbers, or security passwords.
Where phishing really differs from spam is in its appearance. Often, phishing emails will appear to be legitimate, from a company or institution that you’re familiar with. This is what makes it so tricky to fight against.
Phishing Guide
There are various ways to protect yourself against phishing. The key things to look for in phishing emails include misspelled words, differences between the subject of the email and the link in the email, suspicious personal info requests, and emotionally charged language.
Never open messages from senders you don’t recognize and under no circumstances should you give out any personal information. Keep your passwords up to date and incorporate anti-virus software when you can.
Spam Vs Phishing: Knowledge Is the Key
Now that you understand the spam vs phishing debate, you can take the right measures to stop scammers from ruining your day. It’s hard to prevent spam and phishing from occurring, but knowledge is key. If you know what to look for, you’ll never be caught out again.
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