When you think about going away in a motorhome, the biggest advantage that will probably come to mind is that you’ll get to spend a lot of time outdoors in nature and doing a lot of fun activities. However, sometimes the weather means this is not possible, and even if you’ve chosen a great time of year to travel in terms of the weather, there is still the chance that it might rain and put a literal dampener on your plans. If that happens, don’t worry; there are plenty of ways in which you can spend your time in your motorhome on a rainy day that will make you smile. Read on to find out more.
Cook Up A Feast
The great feature about a motorhome is that you’ll find you have a fantastic kitchen to cook in. It won’t be as big as you have at home (in most cases), but it will certainly be large enough to move around in and cook whatever it is you want to create. In fact, this is one of the points that can make a motorhome your best choice. When you are thinking about campervan versus motorhome – which one should you buy, it’s the space that will often give you your answer. A motorhome is bigger than a campervan, so you’ll get a much bigger kitchen to cook in.
So if it’s raining outside and you want to have fun in your motorhome, it’s time to get creative in the kitchen. You can make some delicious food in bulk so that when you are out and about, you’ll always have a tasty dish to come home to; or you could make some sweet treats to offer to your fellow campers and make some new friends.
Do Crafts
If you have gone away in your motorhome in order to relax, the weather shouldn’t be an issue that causes you any problems. In fact, rainy weather can be even more relaxing than sunny weather because you’ll be staying indoors and not have to go anywhere at all. When you do this, you can truly relax and unwind; you might even choose to stay in your nightwear all day.
If you’re worried you’ll get bored, you can easily do some crafts to while away the time. This could be painting, puzzles (including jigsaw puzzles), writing, knitting, or anything else that comes to mind. When you’re packing for your vacation, make sure you have some crafting supplies to hand, just in case.
Go Out
Of course, a bit of rain may not be any cause for concern at all, and perhaps you are still happy to go out and enjoy nature. For some, the rain makes the adventure even more interesting.
The key to having fun in the rain is wearing the right clothes. You’ll need waterproof boots or shoes and a waterproof jacket with a hood. Layers are also a good idea if it’s chilly as well as rainy. Once you’re dressed, head out and breathe in the fresh air. Have some fun, splash about in puddles, and get muddy. After all, you’ve got your lovely cozy motorhome to come back to when you’re done.