Whether it is a small or massive car accident, there are varying types of car accident injuries as a result. It is entirely possible to have a broken bone, brain injury, spinal injury, or even lose limbs.
While car manufacturers and developers send out new updates every year, accidents still happen. People will still sometimes make unsafe maneuvers, leading to a car accident injury. It’s important to understand the full effect of a car accident in order to get proper attention and care.
In this post, you will know five of the most common car accident injuries. Keep on reading to discover more!
1. Neck Pain and Other Whiplash Injuries
Car accidents are a leading cause of neck pain and other whiplash injuries. The most common type of car accident injury is whiplash, which is caused when the head and neck are suddenly and forcefully jerked forward and then backwards. Whiplash can occur even in low-speed accidents and can lead to chronic pain, disability, and staggering medical bills.
2. Back Pain and Other Spinal Injuries
Back pain is the second most common type of car accident injury, after whiplash. Back pain and other spinal injuries can be caused by a number of factors, including seat belts, airbags, and head rests.
Seat belts are designed to keep you in your seat and prevent you from being ejected from the vehicle, but they can also cause back pain and other spinal injuries. Airbags can also cause back pain and other spinal injuries, especially if they deploy during a crash. Head rests can also cause back pain and other spinal injuries, as they can prevent your head from moving during a crash.
3. Head Injuries and Concussions
Most head injuries occur when the head hits something hard, such as the steering wheel, dashboard, or a window. Head injuries can also occur when the head is snapped forward or backward suddenly, such as in a rear-end collision.
Wearing a seatbelt and having an airbag can help reduce the risk of a head injury in a car accident. However, even with these safety features, head injuries can still occur. Check this article on TBI awareness.
4. Broken Bone or Fracture as Car Accident Injury
Know that even a low-speed collision can cause a bone to break if the impact is severe enough. Treatment for a broken bone or fracture typically involves setting the bone and then putting it in a cast or splint to allow it to heal properly.
In some cases, surgery may be necessary to repair the damage. Recovery from a broken bone or fracture can take several weeks or even months, depending on the seriousness of the injury.
5. Soft Tissue Injuries
According to a study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, another most common type of car accident injury is a soft tissue injury. Soft tissue injuries include injuries to the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Common symptoms of a soft tissue injury include pain, swelling, and bruising.
Don’t Just Pretend You’re Okay After a Car Accident
It is common for people to experience different types of injuries following a car accident. If you have been involved in a car accident, it is important to see a doctor even if you do not think you have been injured. A doctor can check for internal bleeding, concussion, and other serious car accident injury.
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