As more and more people are going abroad for work and upgraded living, their parents are often left alone. Though the best place to live for old parents is the home where they always lived but we all are aware of the problems that come with old age. As we grow older, our body ages too and we become prone to various diseases like stress, Alzheimer, diabetes, dementia to name a few. So, the most logical step is to put older people into an old age home.
“Old age home” is a word attached with so many taboos but that is a very old conception. Things have changed a lot. This is a whole new world where lots of NGO’s and private organizations are working day and night to provide everything to someone else’s old father or mother by treating like their own.
There are many advantages of old age homes like-
- Help in daily chores: As people grow older, their often lose motor functions. It becomes very difficult to even perform the day to day chores. In old age homes, they are given proper care by trained nurses and staff members with a complete body check up on regular basis. As an alternative to that we can have “nurse at home” available too. Trained staff is available to look into shopping, gardening, housekeeping, laundry, cooking, etc.
- Emergency services available: Emergencies never comes with a prior warning and as alone old couples have no one around them to take them to hospital in such cases, old age homes provide a very safe place in such cases. They have doctors available 24*7 to give their services. As an alternative to that we have emoha like apps who also provides 24*7 emergency services at a single click on the button while living in our own houses.
- Safety: We can’t deny this fact that old people are very easy targets for intruders and robbers. Internet and newspapers are filled with such stories where old people are looted, attacked and even murdered. Old age homes on another hand give them full safety of their lives and money. As an alternative to this we can also approach for 24*7 health care services, where one of the staff members will live in the house for few hours or complete day and night helping in activities like bathing, dressing, etc too, along with safety.
- Loneliness: Not only the diseases affects old age but also the negligence from the younger generations. The major problem faced by elderly people is loneliness. They miss their children and family a lot. Though there is no alternative of blood but in old age homes they meet people of their own age, the people who actually felt the same problem, the people are going through the same emotional roller coaster. Living alone gives rise to even major problems like stress and depression. So it is advisable to make face to face interactions thrice in a week and being a family member it is your responsibility to be there for them, talk to them and make them feel wanted, even if they have a friend circle of their own.
We can’t deny the disadvantages of old age homes, like high cost value, limited choice, lack of privacy, etc. We have also seen the cases where parents are forced to leave their houses and sent to old age homes by their children which is completely wrong. So, in that case home health care services are available very easily in which old mother or father don’t need to leave their house and will get all the possible services by care providers at their door step.
We understand how difficult care at home for elderly is, but if you need any such services and are searching for any health care provider, we will be more than happy to answer your queries.
You can contact us at 1800-123-44-5555. We will do our best to satisfy you with our services.