Meditation is one of the most popular methods of de-stressing and calming the mind. Contrary to popular belief, the positive effects of meditation on emotional well being, physical health, and improved performance aren’t exclusive to individuals. Corporations and hospitals have also used meditation for stress release and mindfulness. Musicians, athletes, and artists also use meditation to enhance their performance.
Meditation is a very effective way to reduce anxiety and stress, improve brain functioning, increase longevity, and enhance emotional balance. It also enhances self-awareness, lengthens attention span, helps fight addictions, improves sleep, and can decrease blood pressure.
Most people tend to wonder how they can improve their meditation when they’re starting out. Many factors can hamper meditation, like stress, physical distractions, noise, or physical tension. Lack of sufficient focus and motivation can also play a role. In this article, we will look at five different methods to boost your meditation performance.
Light Therapy
Light therapy is a non-invasive natural therapy where concentrated wavelengths of light (red or near-infrared) enter the body. Light therapy has neurogenerative benefits. It can help reduce headaches, sleep, anxiety, cognitive impairment, and sleep disturbance. Light therapy is an excellent combination with meditation. The benefits of both light therapy and meditation will help to supercharge your life.
Effortless meditation = Better meditation
In most things in life, the more effort you give in to it, the better the results. However, the case is opposite when it comes to meditation. You’ll better reap the benefits of meditation when you’re more comfortable and relaxed. Remember, meditation is a simple pleasure. It’s a luxury to settle into stillness and then return to a natural state of being.
There are techniques to make meditation more comfortable and effortless. Settle into a cozy upright-seated position. Put aside all of your worries for the day. Close your eyes, and turn your senses inward. Breathe as naturally as possible. Don’t force or control it. Keep it in your mind that there is no right or wrong way to meditate. Let go of all formalities. Follow your intuition and do what feels most natural and comfortable for you.
It’s okay to have thoughts
A problem most beginners face is that they’re bombarded with thoughts when they’re meditating. You’ll be surprised to know that thoughts during meditation are completely normal. In fact, thoughts during meditation are a sign of stress release.
Remember, the focus and aim of meditation aren’t to control your mind or force out thoughts. Its purpose is to enrich your life. You will receive the benefits of meditation when you meditate with lightheartedness and accept whatever thoughts arise. So the next time you sit down to meditate, treat your thoughts as what they are, an indication of stress relief and detoxification.
Meditation has no objective quality
As mentioned previously, there’s no good or bad when it comes to meditation. Please don’t have fixed expectations when it comes to meditation. Every experience you have while meditating is the correct experience. You may experience calm stillness while meditating or may see your mind active and your body restless. However, none of the experiences are inherently better than the other. Every experience is unique and will give you precisely what you need during that time.
As you continue to meditate, you’ll notice you’ll be slipping more and more into a state of inner quiet. While some claim that this is the ideal place to be in when it comes to meditation, remember that the best experience of meditation is felt at every moment as you move through life.
Before every meditation session, sit with an attitude of curiosity. Let go of all expectations. Quietly remind yourself that the main purpose of meditation is to enrich your life.
Schedule a time
A struggle most people face is that they lack time to meditate. There’s a way to change this, instead of trying to fit meditation into your routine, make meditation into something you look forward to. Experiment with your schedule as much as possible to find the ideal windows of time to meditate. Find the time where you won’t be in a hurry, instead be able to enjoy your time calmly. Remember that the time commitment to meditation isn’t much when compared to the benefits. Try to make time by cutting down on screen time or waking up early. Slow down and unwind the business of your day to day life with meditation. Meditation has the power to elevate your life to the point where instead of looking for ways to find the time, you’ll be advancing the way you choose to spend your time.
Making meditation a permanent part of your life will truly change you for the better. Hopefully, this guide will help you meditate better!