Sometimes, life can get on top of us. In the wake of the pandemic, many people have found it difficult to rebuild their social lives as robustly as they had existed in 2019. Others have felt that their professional lives have entered a rut and that they’ve lost the sense of momentum that drives them forward in life. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the ways in which you can reinvigorate your life, seizing the initiative in order to turn a fresh page and begin loving life again.
Your routine is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it’s what you’ll use in order to plan your day and your week. It helps you get things done and plan for the future. On the other hand, it is (by its nature) rigid and unforgiving, which can lead you to feeling a little bored and stuck in a rut. If you’re looking to breath new energy into your routine, why not swap some of the activities you’ve become used to. If you go to the gym in the evening, why not try the morning? If you take the subway to work, why not try cycling? Small changes such as these could help kickstart a new feeling in your life.
As you grow older, you’ll find that you truly value the friendships that help you feel seen, recognized and alive. You’ll also notice those friendships that are a little more of a struggle, such as those that demand a lot of you while seemingly giving you little in return. The advice here is to lean towards your valuable friendships and to consider cutting out relationships with people who aren’t making you feel happy. You can always make new friends, and life’s simply too short to spend with people who don’t make you feel good.
Now that the stigma around mental health services, therapy and counselling has been broken, many people are seeking counselling not only to help them with their mental health, but to help them reestablish direction in life. You needn’t only go to a counsellor during a moment of mental crisis; actually, it can be just as meaningful to go when you’re feeling good. Discussing personal problems or issues with a trained professional can help you make breakthroughs that’ll reinvigorate your life. Visit to learn more about these services and how they could help you.
You might have groaned when you read the above subheading. Here we go again, you’re thinking, another article that waxes lyrical about the benefits of exercise. You’re right that there’s plenty of content out there that recommends exercise as a lifestyle booster. In the context of this article though, exercise is excellent for your energy. Even if you go out on a long cycle ride and come home with tired legs, you’ll find that the endorphins and personal pride you feel about your exercise boost your energy levels in the long-term, increasing your sense of vitality along the way.
There you have it: four ways to breath vitality back into your life in the second half of 2022.