The Lakhmir Singh and Manjit Kaur solutions is an outstanding handbook for the students. The solutions provided in this book are excellent and are easily available. One can understand and gulp down the subject matter. The solutions are the most attractive part as they help in understanding the concepts, theories and experiment in a student-friendly manner.
The solutions for every question that arises in a student’s mind are answered. The textbook of Lakhmir Singh solutions magnifies the knowledge of the students and helps in scoring top grades in the upcoming exams. This solution also relates the concepts with live examples and focuses on real-life applications. Students can easily clasp the concept and strengthen their ideas and make innovations.
Solutions available to different grades of students
The solutions of Lakhmir Singh are available for students studying in different grades. The Lakhmir Singh solutions for science and technology is available for grade 8. The Lakhmir Singh Class 9 solutions are available for subjects like Physics, Chemistry and Biology. The same is available for class 10 as well.
Lakhmir Singh Solutions for Physics
The book of Lakhmir Singh Solutions for physics embeds the concepts of physics in a student’s mind. The students receive a lot of examples connecting to their real-life applications. Many numerical and diagrams related to the lessons are explained. The formulas and related physics laws are tabulated after every chapter for easy reviewing.
Lakhmir Singh Solutions for Chemistry
Chemistry is a very volatile subject. The learners get a clear picture of the various chemical compounds, their properties and structure. The structure of compounds, elements, mechanisms of reactions are given a special preference and are explained in-depth, using several examples. The periodic table explains all the theoretical concepts related to it, while the new elements discovered recently are also added in the periodic table.
Lakhmir Singh Solutions Biology
Lakhmir Singh Biology solutions gives the students a detailed picture of every chapter. This book has all sorts of questions like multiple choice questions, match the following, name the following questions, fill in the blanks, very short answers, short answer type questions, long answer type questions and also questions based on diagrams. This book builds confidence amongst the students and inspires them to learn more.
Highlights of this book:
- The explanation of the subject is given in-depth, connecting to the real-life applications.
- Equations, formulas and numerical are focused more upon.
- Diagrams are shown colourfully and easily.
- Important points to remember after every lesson have been discussed.
- Has a separate section which focuses on frequently occurring topics in the examination.
- Pictorial and flow chart representation is given to concepts, wherever necessary.
The solutions given here are a complete package for the students. Variant colourful pages, diagrams, equations, flowcharts develop an interest to read more in children. Every query related to the chapter is answered. The student will automatically gain confidence and make him ready to write the examination. Referring to this book enhances knowledge and ensures that it is engraved for a longer time.