Do you wake up with kinks in your neck every morning? Are you experiencing neck pain while sleeping? Do you then go through the day suffering from neck pain?
No one wants that. Yet over 30% of adults complain of chronic neck pain.
If you want to learn about neck pain remedies, keep reading for tips to reduce the suffering!
What Is the Best Position to Relieve Neck Pain While Sleeping?
For starters, sleeping on your stomach is the worst thing you can do for neck pain. Sleeping on your side and back are the best positions to alleviate neck pain while sleeping.
Sleeping on Your Back
If you choose to sleep on your back, you are sleeping in a position that naturally helps your spine stay in the right place. Your head should only be slightly raised above your neck and body.
Using a cervical pillow will drastically improve your neck support while sleeping. What is a cervical pillow? It’s a pillow that simply put helps support the connection between your body and your head to maximize comfort.
Sleeping on Your Side
If you suffer from snoring or sleep apnea, sleeping on your side may be your best bet. If you choose to sleep on your side, make sure your pillow has proper neck support and your head isn’t too high or too low.
The most important thing to look for in cervical pillows is comfort. If you find something that is comfortable and supports your neck and head, it is probably a good one.
The comfort you experience from different types of pillows will differ from person to person! It’s important to try it out before making a decision.
How Can I Get Rid Of Neck Pain From Sleeping Wrong?
If you experience a stiff neck or any neck pain while sleeping, caring for it will help. You can use a hot compress, heating pad, or a hot shower to relieve the stress the muscle is taking on. You can switch between heat and ice, but it is recommended that you use ice first to reduce swelling and then switch to heat after the first few days of pain subside.
Taking ibuprofen or over-the-counter pain medications can also reduce swelling and alleviate pain.
If it’s still not better after 48-72 hours of applying heat, ice, and taking painkillers, it may be time to schedule a massage or a doctor’s appointment to follow up.
If it comes to this point, scheduling a physical therapy appointment is always a good idea. You’ll be able to stretch it out with proper exercises without overdoing it or making it worse. You may also be given strengthening exercises to keep the neck pain from getting worse over time.
Get Rid Of Your Neck Pain for Good
Hopefully, after reading these tips, you’ll be set on the right path to get rid of your neck pain while sleeping.
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